2.2 Refinery Fugitive Emissions

Categories 17, 18, 19, and 2559

2.2.1 Introduction

Categories 17, 18, 19, and 2559 account for refinery fugitive emissions from sealed equipment at valves and flanges, pump and compressor seals, pressure relief valves, and miscellaneous others, respectively.

These emissions are treated as point sources and are unique to each refinery. Emissions include volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. Emissions occur from process equipment whenever components such as valves, flanges, pumps, compressors, and pressure relief valves (PRVs) leak due to seal failure. These emissions generally occur randomly and are difficult to predict occurrences. Of these three categories, valve and flange leaks account for the bulk of total fugitive emissions while pressure relief valves account for the smallest amount of total fugitive emissions.

This chapter also accounts for miscellaneous others, category 2559, which are emissions not accounted for in other refinery categories.

2.2.2 Methodology

Point Sources are operations that emit air pollution into the atmosphere at a fixed location within a facility, for which the Air District has issued a permit to operate, e.g. refinery cooling towers. These could also be a collection of similar equipment / sources located across multiple facilities, e.g. reciprocating engines.

During the permit to operate (PTO) issuance process, the BAAQMD collects information from the operating facility and/or determines from published literature, e.g. EPA’s AP-42, characteristics of a source including maximum throughput, emission factors for emitted pollutants, and control factors associated with downstream abatement devices. These characteristics are then stored for future use in the BAAQMD’s internal database. Facilities that hold a permit to operate are required to renew this permit periodically (this period varies based on facility and source type). Upon renewal, the facilities are requested to provide any updates to source characteristics as well as the source throughput for the last 12 months. This throughput, in combination with the emission factors and controls factors stored in the internal database, are used to estimate annual emissions at the source level. These source level emissions are then sorted and aggregated into categories.

Further speciation and quality assurance of emissions are performed as a part of the inventory process. The BAAQMD staff also perform a systematic crosswalk between CEPAM’s source category classification (Emission Inventory Code - EICs) and the District’s source category classification (category identification number - cat_ids), which ensures consistency in the annual emissions reporting process (CEIDARS) to California Air Resources Board. The last part of the inventory development process includes forecasting and back casting, and aggregation into sub-sectors and sectors for documentation purposes. For those years where no data is available, emissions data are backcasted to year-1990, as well as forecasted to year-2040 using either interpolation or another mathematical approach (see Trends section). Finally, emissions trends spanning from year 1990-2040 for each category and pollutant are evaluated for anomalies that are then investigated and addressed.

Categories 17-19 are considered point source categories and follow the above methodology for emissions estimates. To limit and reduce emissions from these categories, District’s Regulation 8, Rule 18 (Equipment Leaks), Rule 28 (Episodic Releases From Pressure Relief Devices at Petroleum Refineries and Chemical Plants)3 limit fugitives and episodic emissions from source devices at refineries and chemical manufacturing plants.

The petroleum refineries are periodically surveyed for the number of mechanical components utilized in an oil refining process. These components include valves, PRVs, pumps, and compressor seals. Individual types of components are summed up and emissions are calculated based on throughputs and specific emission factors.

Emission information from numerous sources is grouped into the above mentioned categories. EPA’s AP-42, Chapter 54 contains description of petroleum refining processes and emission factors. Criteria pollutant, mainly total organic compounds, and greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) are produced during refining processes. Since refinery emissions are part of point sources, criteria pollutants as well as greenhouse gas data are obtained from the refinery plant as part of the Bay Area Air District annual permit renewal process.

Category 2559 emissions are a catch all for those refinery emissions not captured by other categories. This category does not have emissions in base year 2015. Due to District’s Regulation 12-15 (Petroleum Refinery Emissions Tracking Rule) passed in year 2018, where refineries are required to track air emissions and crude oil composition characteristics over time and to establish air monitoring systems to provide air quality data along refinery boundaries, this category started accounting for emissions in year 2019.

2.2.3 Changes in Methodology

There are no changes in the methodology to estimate emissions in the current base year inventory compared to the previous base year inventory (year 2011).

2.2.4 Emissions

A summary of emissions by category, county, and year are available via the associated data dashboard for this inventory publication.

2.2.6 Uncertainties

Throughputs for these categories are reported via permit system requirement on a year by year basis and are assumed to reflect the most current data available at the time. Throughput data that are taken based on source test is considered the most accurate, followed by engineering calculations such as mass/material balance, and then published data via literature such as AP-42. The emission factors are estimated using historical data and could change or be improved as new data is published.

2.2.7 Contact

Author: Tan Dinh

Reviewer: Abhinav Guha, Yuan Du

Last Update: November 06, 2023

2.2.8 References & Footnotes

  1. BAAQMD. Rules; [accessed 2023 March 07]. https://www.baaqmd.gov/rules-and-compliance/current-rules↩︎

  2. USEPA. AP-42; [accessed 2023 March 07]. https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-factors-and-quantification/ap-42-compilation-air-emissions-factors↩︎

  3. US Energy Information Administration. Data ; [accessed 2023 March 07]. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_pnp_cap1_dcu_SCA_a.htm↩︎