7.2 Domestic Fuel Combustion - LPG & Liquid Fuel

Categories 286 and 287

7.2.1 Introduction

Categories 286 and 287 account for emissions from domestic fuel combustion of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and distillate oil, respectively

LPG is comprised of a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases that has undergone a liquification process and is stored in a pressurized container prior to usage. Depending on the bulk of the mixture components, the names often reference to by this fuel include propane, butane, and propylene. Distillate oil or distillate fuel oil is a petroleum product derived from the left over of distillation or refining of crude oil. It is usually made up of heavier components of the refine crude petroleum mix. Although there are many grades, distillate fuel oil product, such as No. 1, No. 2, and No 4 fuel oils, are generally used for space heating. The emissions reflected herein include all five criteria pollutants (PM, VOC, NOx, SOx, CO).

7.2.2 Methodology

Categories 286 and 287 are considered an area source category since they cover facilities / emission sources that are not directly permitted by the District, and hence not systematically cataloged. Emissions for area source categories are determined using the formula:

Current Year Emissions = Base Year Emission X Growth Profile, and,

Base Year Emission = Throughput X Control Factor X Emission Factor


  • throughput or activity data for applicable base year(s) is determined using a top-down approach (e.g. state-, national-level data);
  • emission factor is derived from general literature, specific literature and reports, and/or source testing results provided by Air District staff;
  • control factor (if applicable) is determined by District and state rules and regulations in effect;
  • and, historical backcasting and forecasting of emissions is based on growth profiles as outlined in the Trends section of this chapter

More details on throughput, county distribution, emission factors and controls is provided in the following subsections. Emissions estimates from domestic LPG and distillate oil combustion are based on the “British thermal unit (BTU) equivalent - natural gas approach”.

(a) Activity Data / Throughput

The activity data (throughputs) are derived from the following data, namely:

  1. Number of housing units heated by LPG and distillate oil as provided by the 2010 Department of Finance’s Census of Population and Housing277.
  2. Bay Area natural gas fuel usage as provided by Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
  3. Natural gas usage conversion to average BTUs per household.

From the data above, an estimate of LPG and distillate oil usage based on average BTUs per house hold is calculated for the base year.

(b) County Distribution / Fractions

County distribution of emissions was based on the Department of Commerce’s 2010 Census of Population and Housing for California278. In that report, the number of homes using LPG and fuel oil as a heating medium in each county was used in the estimate of county distribution.

(c) Emission Factors

Emission factors are taken from (EPA, AP-42 oil and lp fuel data)279.

(d) Control Factors

There are no applicable control factors for these categories.

(e) Speciation

For LPG and distillate oil, CARB’s organic gas speciation profile #121 and #112 were applied respectively. The profiles closely match those used by CARB for the combustion of LPG and distillate oil fuels in their air quality modeling work.

7.2.3 Changes in Methodology

No changes to methodology were made in this version of the base year emissions inventory.

7.2.4 Emissions

A summary of emissions by category, county, and year are available via the associated data dashboard for this inventory publication.

7.2.6 Uncertainties

For area source emission factors, the main uncertainty in the updated methodology arises from the use of emission factors for certain categories that remain constant over several decades although technological controls may have been applied at facilities. Additionally, the emission factors themselves are seldom verified and validated against measurements, in part due to the difficulty in measuring fugitive emissions from area sources.

7.2.7 Contact

Author: Tan Dinh

Reviewer: Abhinav Guha, Yuan Du

Last Update: November 06, 2023

7.2.8 References & Footnotes

  1. California Department of Finance. Census 2010. [accessed 2023 March 13]. https://dof.ca.gov/reports/demographic-reports/census-2010/↩︎

  2. U.S. Department of Commerce. 2010 Census of Population and Housing. 2012. [accessed 2023 March 13]. https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/decennial/2010/cph-2/cph-2-6.pdf↩︎

  3. USEPA. AP42. [accessed 2023 March 13]. https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-factors-and-quantification/ap-42-compilation-air-emissions-factors↩︎

  4. ABAG. Association of Bay Area Governments Open Data Catalog. [accessed 2023 Jan 30]; https://abag.ca.gov/tools-resources/data-tools/open-data-catalog↩︎